Fighting fatigue and sprains
- You should rest when you are not too tired in order to recuperate well. If you walk to the point of exhaustion, recuperation takes much longer and is more dif cult.
- If you nd you are extremely tired, you should rest for a whole day per week.
- Drink lots of liquids, including energy drinks which replenish mineral salts to avoid muscle fatigue.
- If you or a companion is suffering from heat exhaustion, look for a cool place, drink plenty of uids (mix half a teaspoon of baking soda (sodium bicarbonate) and a teaspoon of salt in a litre of water).
- Tendinitis (Achilles Tendon): When you walk an average of 30 km/day carrying a backpack, it is not unusual to suffer from muscle strain (tendinitis). To avoid in ammation and muscle strain, always massage and stretch your muscles before and after each stage. This type of problem may be avoided if you choose the right footwear.
- If the pain is intense: take some paracetamol and apply some anti-in ammatory cream over the area several times a day. You should use an elastic bandage or a compression sock to alleviate the pain. Once you reach an alburgue, seek medical help. If the pain continues, it is best to return home.